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"Obabakoak" published in Turkey

2015-02-18  ¦  Publications

This week the latest edition of Bernardo Atxaga's most universal novel, Obabakoak, has been released. This time it has been published in Turkish by publisher Aylak Adam.

Obabakoak is, without a doubt, Atxaga's most widely translated and published book. This brings the number of the novel's editions to 46, covering a total of 26 languages.

The novel had already been translated into Turkish (Dost Kitabevi, 2001); this time the re-release was handled by Aylak Adam.

Four of Atxaga's books have been translated into Turkish. In addition to Obabakoak, other titles available in Turkish are The Accordionist's Son, The Lone Man, and The Lone Woman.