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"Nevada days" oso iruzkin onak ari da jasotzen

28-08-2017  ¦  Argitalpenak

Uda hasieran argitaratu zen ingelesez Nevadako egunak liburuaren itzulpena, eta harrezkero oso harrera beroa ari da izaten. Hona hemen jasotako iruzkinetako zenbait.

Duela gutxi kaleratu da "Nevada days", Margaret Jull Costak itzulia eta MacLehose Pressek argitaratua, eta denbora tarte honetan oso harrera ona ari da jasotzen irakurle eta kritikarien aldetik. Besteak beste, Sunday Herald, The Economist eta Irish Times egunkarietan aipatu duten, beste zenbait aldizkari eta blogekin batera.

The Economist aldizkariak, esate baterako, A Basque writer contemplates America artikulua argitaratu zuen arteari eskaintzen dion atalean.

Bizarre at first glance, this odd match of place and subject makes sound historical sense. (...) he has fashioned a subtle and touching book, offered as fiction but rich in topical allusions.

Sunday Herald edota Irish Times egunkariek ere aholkatu diete liburua euren irakurleei.

With past and present colliding, and mingling with Atxaga's dreams, Nevada Days works like a giant, impressionistic collage, a sober and thoughtful meditation on memory (Sunday Herald). He observes and records, yet also dreams and remembers, it is a seductive, warm narrative. (Irish Times).

Blogetan ere izan da literaturzaleen aipamenik, noski. David's Book World blogean, esate baterako: *the reading of it has given me so much to think about, I feel very happy to have taken the chance. I'm glad to have Nevada Days a worthy addition to my library; and, actually, I think it will be a good starting point for exploring more of Bernardo Atxaga’s work*. Edota Winstonsdad blogean, Nevada Days is a wonderful collection of Vignettes about a nine-month visit to Nevada (...) Here it is a reflection on his life a time in his life when he sees more behind him than in front of him.