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"10 of the best novels set in Spain", Atxagaren "Obabakoak" The Guardian egunkariak egindako zerrendan

21-05-2020  ¦  Prentsa

Hemingway, Cervantes eta Atxaga bildu ditu The Guardian egunkariak 10 of the best novels set in Spain izeneko artikuluan.

Stephen Burgen idazle eta kazetariak gomendio-artikulua argitaratu berri du The Guardian egunkarian. Espainian kokatutako 10 eleberririk esanguratsuenak aukeratu ditu eta, horien artean, Bernardo Atxagaren Obabakoak agertzen da zerrenda horretan, Cervantesen Don Quijote eta Hemingwayren The Sun Also Rises eleberriekin batera.

Horiez gain, Javier Cercas, Eduardo Mendoza eta Manuel Vázquez Montalbán ere aipatzen ditu egileak, besteak beste.

Hona hemen The Guardianen artikulua: 10 of the best novels set in Spain. Eta hauxe da egileak azpimarratzen duena:

Originally written in Euskera - the Basque language - and a huge success in Spanish, Obabakoak is a series of stories narrated by the inhabitants of Obaba, a Basque village. A geography teacher discovers that a series of life-changing letters from a young woman in Hamburg were in fact written by his father; a tattered and barely legible manuscript written by a priest tells the story of an unloved, illegitimate boy who went missing in the woods and returned to haunt the village as a pure white boar. Atxaga's writing is intimate and there is always a touch of humour, even as the tales shade into darkness.