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Issue no. 10 of the literary magazine "Erlea" now available

29-11-2016  ¦  Publications

The literary magazine Erlea, led by Bernardo Atxaga and published by Euskaltzaindia, celebrates its tenth issue. In this edition, the thread running throughout the issue is the theater.

Issue no. 10 of the literary magazine

Last week the Royal Academy of the Basque Language, Euskaltzaindia, published the tenth issue of Erlea, its literary magazine. Created in 2009 and helmed by Bernardo Atxaga, the magazine has given voice to dozens of writers, journalists, filmmakers and artists of all types, making its mark as a high quality magazine.

When Atxaga became editor of the magazine, he committed to producing a “professional” magazine, with each issue steeped in a specific “atmosphere”. This latest issue’s central theme is the theater, giving readers an insider’s view from the pen of well known actors and directors like Patxo Telleria, Agus Perez, Aizpea Goenaga, Ander Lipus, Iñake Irastorza, Mikel Martinez, Jokin Oregi, Iñaki Rikarte and Anjel Alkain, among others.

The latest issue of Erlea as well as all previous issues can be purchased at publisher "Pamiela’s web site":http://www.pamiela.com/eu/literatura-4/literatura-besteak/erlea-10-detail.