Alfabeto sobre la literatura infantil

Editor: Editorial Media Vaca (Castellano)
Year: 2002
ISBN: 84-930221-3-6
Pages: 104

Children's literature is a river and Bernardo Atxaga has travelled its course from A to Z, by boat and on foot. This text, originally a conference offered by its author to a group of teachers, can be read and enjoyed by anyone. It includes enough clues and storylines to give one a good time and the chance to remove many prejudices which affect the way children'sliterature has been, and still is considered. The illustrator, Alejandra Hidalgo is an admirer of Lewis Carroll's curious Alice and Raymond Queneau's impudent Zazie, and has had the time of her life drawing each of the letters and turning the G for Brothers Grimm into a double nose, the F for Fable into a half-eaten cow and the J for Jaimito into a hook worthy of Moby Dick.